What exactly does the management company do?
Posted on April 21, 2017 by wordpress_admin - No Comments
The management company oversees the contracting of work in the common areas of West Campus Point for Home Owner Association projects, as well as work on individual units that are the HOA responsibility. It obtains bids for projects, keeps track of contracts, and assures timely payment of bills.
The management company should be the first contact homeowners have concerning maintenance issues that are the HOA’s responsibility. Note: virtually all maintenance issues inside a unit are the homeowners’ responsibility.
The management company also prepares and distributes the monthly HOA bills for homeowners and collects the revenues. It prepares the monthly financial statement for the HOA and draws up a proposed budget for the following year. (The HOA Board reviews the proposed budget and votes on its approval.) It distributes this information to homeowners, along with a newsletter, in monthly e-mailings.