What is the Home Owners’ Association?
Posted on February 7, 2017 by wordpress_admin - No Comments
Upon purchasing a unit in the West Campus Point faculty housing, the owners automatically become members of the West Campus Point Home Owners’ Association (HOA).
The HOA is responsible for all HOA property and improvements outside the footprint of your unit (the Common Area), and the HOA is also responsible for maintenance and repair of the exterior “envelope” (paint and roofs, but not windows or doors) of each unit. The HOA collects dues from all homeowners to cover the expenses associated with fulfilling its responsibilities.
The HOA is bound by a set of legal documents as well as by the laws of the State of California pertaining to planned unit development communities (broadly called “The Davis Stirling Act”). The legal documents include:
- Articles of Incorporation
- Bylaws
- CC&Rs (Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions) and their subsidiary regulations, guidelines, and agreements; and the
- Common Area Lease from the UC Regents.
The HOA is in the process of making these documents available for viewing and download from this website.